Submitted by: Brian Broderick

Have you heard the term Pick Up Artist (PUA)? You have if you’re read The Game by Neil Strauss! Many men worldwide have had their eyes opened by this impressive book and revitalized their dating lives. Your dating life should get a real boost from the guidelines and tips here, even if you’re pretty experienced in the dating scene.

Before looking at techniques, let me point out that there are really two different types of pick up artists. Memorizing different routines and stories to impress women, the first type works very hard for success. The pick up artist carefully crafts and hones each of these routines and stories, crafting them to make women feel more attracted to him. Mystery is the prime example of this kind of pick up artist.

The “natural game” is how Strauss characterizes the approach used by the second type of PUA. This fellow, rather than memorizing lines and stories, uses his own natural charm and personality to achieve success with women. His approach is spontaneous. And another example from The Game that exemplifies this style is Juggler.


Now there s nothing wrong with either approach. Personally, I like natural game the best, but if canned routines work best for you, by all means use those. There’s a lot of work involved in memorizing all that material. And think about it – which would you prefer, being liked by a woman because of a story you fabricated, or because of your own personality, who you really are?

Regardless of the strategy you employ, though, remember this: concentrate on your inner game, the real you. Who you are – your beliefs and your self-confidence – is what’s meant by the term “inner game.” This means that if you yourself feel unattractive, or shy, it’s likely you’re not going to approach a woman you find really attractive, regardless of the routines, tips and stories you’ve made up and memorized. But if your self-confidence is high – that is, if you truly believe that you’re a likable and attractive guy, then you’ll be able to approach most women without any concern for being rejected.

Another tip I want to offer is simply to lets things progress at their own speed. These things take time. If getting up the courage to talk with one woman is still an issue for you, it’s not necessary to think about dating 5 women at once. Now if something’s holding you back – if there’s some sort of obstacle in your path – concentrate on overcoming that thing first. For instance, I had a terrible time with shyness. I devised a challenge just for the purpose of overcoming my shyness: I had to stop and talk with 100 strangers a week. You’ve got to figure out way of overcoming the obstacles you run into.

I think that of all the guidance I can give, though, one of the most important is also one of the simplest: consistency. Find a style you like and stick to it. Too often, guys who want to be PUAs will spend all sorts of money buying all sorts of books and other instructional material, constantly jumping from one approach to another. Then, without giving any of them a fair trial, they’ll complain that none work. Of course, skimming doesn’t work in a case like this. Most of these guys, if they’d understood and applied what they’d learned, would have enjoyed dating success long ago.

So that’s my final advice for you – stick with the style that feels best to you.

About the Author: If you liked this article and you want to learn some more PUA tips and routines, check out


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