The Guidance of Dave Ramsey Investing in Choosing the Best Suburbs to Invest in Brisbane Area

Renowned for his effective financial strategies, Dave Ramsey’s approach to investing has struck a chord amongst individuals aspiring to make strategic and sensible investment decisions. Often referred to as ‘Dave Ramsey Investing’, his philosophies lean heavily towards long-term investments that promise slow but steady growth, with a healthy caution against get-rich-quick schemes. Applying these principles can be particularly beneficial to real estate investing, contentiously in a thriving area like Brisbane, Australia.

Dave Ramsey’s investing principles offer a down-to-earth, solid foundation for investment choices. They revolve around seven simple steps, known as Baby Steps. These include saving an emergency fund, investing 15% of household income into Roth IRAs and pre-tax retirement funds and establishing college funding for children, among others. For individuals interested in property investment, steps such as these pave the path towards financial success and freedom.

Dave Ramsey firmly recommends investing in mutual funds with a long-term, growth-oriented approach. This philosophy can be applied to property investment by focusing on regions with established growth trajectories, strong economy, low vacancy rates, and high rental demand. His fondness for diversification can also be beneficial in this context, as diversifying one’s property portfolio can minimise risk and enhance returns.

Bearing these principles in mind allows investors to make informed decisions, especially when considering property investment in thriving cities like Brisbane. Brisbane is acclaimed for its fast-growing property market, with several suburbs demonstrating strong potential for rewarding returns.

One might wonder, where are the best suburbs to invest in the Brisbane area? This is a question that many property investors are considering given the current property market trends.

One key aspect of the investment potential of a suburb is its rental yield – generally suburbs with high rental yields are good investment areas. However, one might also consider the suburb’s proximity to amenities, connectivity to city centre, and potential for capital growth. Several suburbs in Brisbane area show promise in these domains and come across as excellent investment opportunities, aptly fulfilling the criteria of ‘Dave Ramsey Investing’ style.

Locations such as, Mitchelton, Keperra, Ferny Grove, Chermside West, Ashgrove and Algester are suburbs that have an excellent potential for growth. These suburbs have shown a solid performance with respect to their median property prices over the years and offer high rental yields. Furthermore, properties in these areas are sought after due to their convenient location, extensive amenities, and great connective infrastructures. These are arguably some of the best suburbs to invest in Brisbane area, in line with ‘Dave Ramsey Investing’ principles.

While the ‘Dave Ramsey Investing’ method may not cater to everyone’s taste or financial conditions, it does offer a conservative and risk-averse guide to property investment. This strategy encourages sustainable growth over the long-term, which is key to success in a volatile market such as property real estate. Therefore, it is wise to consider Ramsey’s investment philosophies while making investment decisions, particularly in high-growth areas like Brisbane.

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The Revolution of Crowdfunding in Real Estate

The Promise and Potential of Crowdfunding for Real Estate Investment

The concept of crowdfunding is becoming recognized as a revolutionary and democratizing force within the investment sphere. This is prominently prevalent within the realm of real estate, an industry that until recently, was often considered inaccessible to many due to high entry barriers. Crowdfunding real estate projects have opened the market to a broader demographic, allowing individuals to partake in lucrative opportunities with minor capital outlays.

Real estate crowdfunding is a means for property developers and buyers to raise or invest capital using online platforms. Instead of traditional means that require substantial initial investment, crowdfunding real estate allows individuals to contribute as per their budget. The collected funds are then invested in real estates, either as equity or debt. This model has the potential to democratize real estate investment, making it accessible to everyday investors who may not have large amounts of capital.

The crowdfunding model has been quickly adopted by those in the real estate sector due to its versatility and adaptability. Traditional banking institutions often impose stringent conditions for loans and investments. In comparison, crowdfunding platforms provide a simpler, quicker, and more transparent solution. By connecting investors and developers directly, they can facilitate investments that are beneficial to all parties involved.

Real estate investing Australia is experiencing a sharp rise in the adoption of this innovative method of funding. With the country’s robust housing market, crowdfunding doesn’t just offer an alternative path to homeownership for Australians but also opens up an avenue for investors worldwide to tap into this lucrative market.

Such international interest in crowdfunding real estate demonstrates the global reach of this new investment method. Unlike traditional real estate investment, geographic boundaries do not limit crowdfunding. An investor in the United States or Asia can easily participate in Australia’s real estate market via a crowdfunding platform, diversifying their investment portfolio globally.

Even though online crowdfunding platforms have made investment processes more straightforward, there are still potential risks that investors must be aware of. These include the reliability of the crowdfunding platform, the viability of the real estate projects, and possible liquidity issues where your funds are tied up in a property for a long period without guarantees of returns. Therefore, comprehensive research and due diligence are essential before making any investments.

As crowdfunding continues to reshape real estate investing, regulatory authorities worldwide are identifying means to protect investors. In Australia, for instance, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has outlined regulations for crowdfunding platforms, ensuring investor protection without stifling innovation.

In summary, real estate crowdfunding is a transformative force in the investing world. It not only democratizes real estate investment but also opens up opportunities for global portfolio diversification. However, just like any investment, it carries inherent risks, and thorough research and due diligence are crucial. The growth trajectory of real estate investing Australia through crowdfunding points towards a future where these platforms will become even more instrumental in shaping the real estate landscape.


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By Simon Volkov

Procurement of proper real estate training is crucial for all investors, but especially so for newbies. Many types of investing courses are available. Some are offered through home study courses allowing students to learn at their own pace, while others are conducted in a classroom setting.

Most real estate training courses cover basic investment strategies. Some focus on a specific niche such as investing in commercial properties or residential foreclosure homes, while others cover topics of creative finance options such as offering owner will carry or entering into 1031 exchanges.

Some of the more popular courses include negotiation and finance strategies. These topics help investors understand how to obtain the best deals and generate positive cash flow for investment properties.

Investors often participate in Continuing Ed classes to learn about local and national real estate laws and management practices. This is particularly helpful for investors offering Section 8 housing and commercial properties.


Investors who are involved in buying and selling foreclosure or bank owned properties often find training courses provide the information they need to negotiate sales through bank loss mitigation. These types of courses also offer information on obtaining government grants such as those offered through HUDs Neighborhood Stabilization Program.

Real estate investors can determine which types of courses are required based on their investment goals. Those new to buying properties for profit may want to participate in home study courses focused on rehabbing rental properties for house flipping or buying distressed homes for use as rentals.

Those with desire to make real estate investing their fulltime job or would like to become a training instructor should participate in courses offered through accredited organizations.

Perhaps more than any other type of financial investment product, real estate offers numerous opportunities to generate profits. With adequate training, investors can learn how to generate positive cash flow in any market or economic conditions.

The Internet offers easy access to numerous real estate training courses and online seminars. Public libraries can also be a good option. Most libraries offers a variety of investing seminars presented on VHS and DVD which can be borrowed at no cost. Although courses offered through libraries are often outdated, they still provide valuable information to novice investors.

It is always wise to conduct research about companies or individuals offering real estate training seminars and home study courses. Anyone can publish a website and claim to be a successful investor. Spending a little time checking their background can prevent spending money on courses that don’t deliver on promises.

Real estate training courses can be as concise as a one or two day program or as complex as two or more years of education. It’s best to create a list of investing goals and expectations to determine what type of education is required.

Take time to research the various types of real estate to determine which is best suited for your budget. Determining the type of properties can help narrow down the type of training required to reach your goals.

Last, but not least, talk with other investors and inquire where they obtained training. Contact local realtors and ask if they offer investment seminars or can recommend local workshops. Review real estate Classifieds of local newspapers or online bulletin boards such as Craigslist, to locate real estate training events hosted in your area.

About the Author: California real estate investor, Simon Volkov shares information and resources for a variety of

real estate training

programs, along with investment tips and strategies. Simon also offers a variety of investment opportunities via his website at



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IP Lawyers – Consult Them To Protect Your Patent


Tim Bishop

The economic recession has led to many highly talented individuals becoming redundant. For some this may have led to a positive achievement that may never otherwise have occurred. For instance, you may have turned your attention away from your original profession or field of expertise and taken an altogether different route.

Have you recently developed a new product or process, it could be electrical or for IT? Maybe after your degree you consider biotechnology, chemistry or pharmaceuticals. Have you stumbled across something remarkable that needs pursuing to gain recognised accreditation? Could it be classified as Intellectual Property (also known as IP) ? If so, doesn’t this require some form of for intellectual property advice and legal protection from specialist IP Lawyers?


Well, if this sounds like you and you have become an inventor, think carefully about protection of your product. Have you really kept this such a secret? And even if you do keep it secret, what happens if it gets stolen? Without giving any thought to proper protection of your Intellectual Property, your dream invention that could take the world, if not, the nation, by storm could end up belonging to someone else.

It is easy to get carried away when inventing. This natural excitement can lead to telling casual friends, acquaintances, colleagues and shopkeepers what you are doing with your redundant time. Success in on the cards and your thoughts get out of control. Consulting Intellectual Property Lawyers is a million miles away from your thoughts. Surely no-one else would have the time, understanding and energy to pursue this?

Possibly not, but then they don’t have to if you hand it to them on a plate. If your invention is copied then they can make easy money from you. How? Well, how about from a stolen PC or break in? Without taking IP advice and patenting your product or process then 3rd parties could be open to copying it.

Missing this vital area of Law is common. You may think the idea you are busy working on is really not very big and hardly worth the term ‘Intellectual Property’. Well, IP lawyers represent clients at all levels within the European Patent Office, including oppositions. It is preferable to protect yourself rather than suffer the loss.

Contact the specialist

IP Lawyers

at Bonallack and Bishop for

intellectual property advice

you can trust. Tim Bishop is senior partner at the firm, responsible for all major strategic decisions. He has grown the firm by 1000% in 13 years and has plans for further expansion.

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By Larry Donaldson

An NSF fee is simply a fee that you pay your bank each time you overdraw your account with a debit card, credit card or check. NSF fees these days at major banks run $30 to $35 per instance. And, the way most overdraft protection programs are set up, you can get dinged with such a fee multiple times in a single day – resulting in $100 or more in charges.

The best thing to do is to avoid putting yourself into a situation whereby you could get charged this type of fee. After all, at least in theory, it should be pretty simple: just don’t make any charges or write any checks when the balance in your checking account won’t cover it.

However, as with most things in life, there is a sizable gap between theory and reality. In practice, on a day-to-day basis, there are a number of things that make it a challenge to always keep proper tabs on one’s checking account balance. For example, the way that many online bank statements display your balance information, it is not always clear which checks or charges have been processed and which have not. Meaning that if you really want to figure out your balance, you need to sit there with a calculator just to do so each and every morning before going shopping.

And don’t depend on your debit card getting rejected at the register as a failsafe way of ensuring you do not overdraw your account. That is because, with most overdraft protection programs, they are set up to actually accept a debit card charge via a merchant even when your balance does not cover the charge! This will result in an automatic NSF fee.

If you have recently had this type of fee assessed to your account, you will want to learn how to write an effective NSF bank fee apology letter in hopes of getting a refund. Here are 5 steps to requesting a refund via letter:


1. Get your facts straight:

Any time you are presenting a facts-based case for something, it is a good idea to have the facts straight ahead of time. Go through your bank statement for the day of the NSF transaction and write down details such as merchant name, data of transaction, the before-and-after bank balance, and the amount of the transaction.

2. Get a story together about what happened:

Of course, you will need to remain truthful, but put together into a story or narrative form just how this happened. You want to make sure it does not sound like an excuse, but rather just an explanation.

3. Get into a calm state of mind:

The way you feel when writing a letter will come across in your choice of words and syntax. Be sure to put yourself into a relaxed, non-confrontational state of mind before putting pen to paper.

4. Write a well-punctuated, grammatically-correct letter:

Of course, presentation in these matters is important. Make sure that your letter is well-written, and be sure to proofread for grammar and punctuation.

5. Send it out and await the result:

Make sure that at the closing of your letter you actually ask for a refund – do not just apologize and leave it at that. Then, send out your letter and await a response.

If you follow these 5 steps, you are likely to get a refund for your NSF fee if it is the only one you’ve had within the last year.

Important: whether or not you are able to successfully obtain a refund, you should consider changing banks to one that does not charge overdraft fees – even when you overdraw your account. These banks are out there and they are looking for customers like you – those who are fed up with paying excessive overdraft fees.

About the Author: Find a list of no-overdraft-fee banks in your area at:

No Overdraft Fee Banks



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Submitted by: Mike P Kaselnak

There are two entities that can double your business in a year with no cost…your clients and CPA’s. If they refer it costs you nothing. If they refer, you will double or triple your profitability…but that is a big IF.

I know of nobody that is getting 3 or 4 referrals month in and month out. Why?

We’ll talk about clients in a future article. Let’s talk about CPA’s and attorney’s today.

Do you have a system to get Professionals to refer to you?

Oh sure, we would maybe take a CPA out to lunch or refer a client or two to an estate planning attorney, in the hopes that they would reciprocate and refer back. However, most advisors do not set up the same type of systematic marketing for professionals that they do for the public with seminars, lead programs, and advertisements.

Smart financial advisors everywhere are beginning to realize the advantages of leveraging referrals from CPAs and attorneys. As an industry, we have allowed them to take advantage of us for years. We have in good faith referred our clients out for tax preparation and legal work. We have ushered client after client out our door and into theirs. We have become their main source of referrals and income. In fact, many CPAs and attorneys would find their income cut in half if it wasn’t for referrals provided to them by financial advisors.

Yet, how often do we see referrals back to us? Rarely. Up to this point all we have done is whined about the unfairness of it all. Enough is enough. Clients regularly ask their CPAs for the name of a good financial advisor and so do attorney’s clients. Do they recommend us? Rarely.

Why don’t CPAs and attorneys want to refer to us?

They give us all sorts of reasons why they don’t refer.

I’m not comfortable

You are just one of the many advisors that refer to me and I don’t want to bite the hand that feeds me

It doesn’t come up

I will next time

And on and on

I believe the reasons they don’t refer back to us is different for CPAs than it is for attorneys. Of course, I am making general assumptions here, but hear me out.

CPAs have big hearts

I know that we think of CPAs as being these robotic, wooden humans that are void of emotions but think about it. CPAs protect their clients. They are almost like mother hens sheltering their broods from the big bad world. They do not want anything to hurt their clients. This is to be applauded.

Unfortunately, many CPAs are not really familiar with what we do for our clients. Since unfamiliarity breeds mistrust, they feel the best way to protect their clients is to recommend for their clients to stay the course…to do nothing.

Yes, maybe our suggestion could save their client taxes…but it might lose them money. Yes, maybe our solution is beautiful to us but it is foreign to them. Yes, we MAY want to help their clients BUT they REALLY want to help them.

It is much more difficult to get into trouble by doing nothing than doing something (as financial advisors, we know the trouble people get into by doing nothing: Paying too much in taxes. Not growing their money enough. Or trying to grow the money too fast and having a portfolio that is too aggressive during a market correction.)


However, to an accountant, we all look like money grubbing salespeople that want to get at their clients wallets to fatten our own bank accounts. They know that a few of us are good but why take the risk. So, just like we tell our kids, they tell their clients, Just say no, to whatever that financial advisor recommends. And God forbid that they would put their clients into the lion’s den by recommending their clients come see us!

Attorneys have big egos

No surprise to most of you. Attorneys always have to be right. They have to be the center of attention. Their egos have to be fed. If you know an attorney, you know that they know everything about everything and would never stoop to having to ask for help from a mere mortal, like a financial advisor. They feel perfectly qualified to give their clients advice on any subject from law to heart surgery to car mechanics to financial planning.

Need I say more?

Same solution works for both problems

So CPAs don’t trust us and attorneys think it is beneath them to refer to us. Two different problems but luckily the same solution works for both problems. In Dr. Cialdini’s book Influence: Science and Practice, he breaks influence down into 6 principles.

Utilizing a simple combination of five of those principles is what works.

Reciprocation You then me, then you, then me…Be the first to give:

– Service

– Information

– Concessions

Authority Showing knowing…Establish position through:

– Professionalism

– Industry knowledge

– Your credentials

– Admitting weaknesses first

Consistency The starting point…Start:

– Small and build

– With existing commitments

– From public positions

– Once you start, deliver on time, every time

Liking Making friends to influence people…Uncover:

– Similarities

– Areas for genuine compliments

– Opportunities for cooperation

Consensus People proof, people power…Unleash people power by showing:

– Responses of many others

– Other’s past successes

– Testimonials of similar others

Build a referral machine

First, what is a machine? It is a device that modifies energy to perform or assist in the performance of a repetitive task. Another definition is a device for overcoming resistance at one point by applying force at some other point. Both of these concepts work well with how to get referrals from other professionals when combined with Dr. Cialdini’s Principles of Influence.

For years we have known the value of dripping on our clients and prospects with newsletters, phone calls and other methods. It is a testament to how well this has worked that more and more entities use these tools.

Have you ever considered a drip program for CPAs and attorneys? Not simply sending them the same thing you send your prospects and clients! That does not make them feel special. If you try to use your client/prospect drip on them it simply seems like you added them as an afterthought…that you don’t even look at them as professionals but just as some other sucker.

Feed Their Need!

By creating a systematized drip designed specifically for CPAs or attorneys you will give them both what they need.

You will give CPA’s the information they need to determine that you will not hurt their clients…that you only want to help. By having a specialized drip program that leverages all of Dr. Cialdini’s principles, you will effectively influence accountants to begin to refer to you. What should your CPA drip system include?

Reciprocation Give them information about the financial industry that can make their job easier. Not product information but how different tax laws are affecting investments, easier ways to get 1099’s at the end of the year, resources they may not have heard about. Give them heads up about financial scams to look for, etc. Give them success stories about happy clients. And give them referrals.

Authority By doing the above it will also show them that you are a person that knows what’s going on and that they could count on if they have an investment related question.

Consistency By doing these things in a consistent manner, monthly or bi-weekly, they will see that you are here to stay and are reliable (HUGE issue with accountants.)

Liking By including things about your family and your activity in the charitable arena they will begin to know you and your values. They will start to feel like they know you as a friend.

You will give attorneys the information they need to feel important and to feed their ego…

Reciprocation Always genuinely compliment them. Mention other attorneys that have done a great job for your clients. Make them stars. Also, give them information about the financial industry that can make their job easier. Not product information but how different estate laws are affecting investments, information on Medicare or LTC as it applies to legal advice, issues that may affect their clients, etc. Give them success stories about happy clients. And give them referrals.

Authority By doing the above, it will also show them that you are a person that knows what’s going on and that they could count on you if they have an investment related question. This is important to them so that they can have all the answers for their clients.

Scarcity By mentioning attorneys that have done a great job, it will make other attorneys want to be mentioned as well…did we talk about egos earlier?

Consistency By doing these things in a consistent manner, monthly or bi-weekly, they will see that you are here to stay and are reliable.

Liking By including things about your family and your activity in the charitable arena they will begin to know you and your values. They will start to feel like they know you as a friend…and with attorneys it’s all about who knows who.

Does This Really Work?

Nope. Because nobody does it. Yep. Because nobody does it. I take that back. I coach 150 of the top financial planners in the country. These guys are easily in the top 5% in income for advisors. How many of them take the time and effort to create and utilize these professional drip systems? Two, even with me yelling at them monthly to do it!

These two have had terrific success with it. They have had attorneys that they have been referring to for over 10 year without a single referral back hand over 10 referrals in a week within a month of using a professional drip system.

They have gone from being just another broker to someone that is respected and known and invited to speak at their gatherings.

They have gone from relying on the old methods of seminars, leads and ads to getting highly qualified and pre-sold prospects (I hope you already know that when an attorney or CPA refers their client, you have a 99.9% chance of getting the deal.)

Do it?

You know that this works. Why aren’t you doing it? Too hard? Haven’t considered it before? Don’t know how? No one else is doing it. You have a once in a lifetime opportunity to get a strangle hold on the professionals in your town. Don’t blow it.

Few people in the financial industry go after professional referrals aggressively which is baffling. If you asked 100 advisors in what manner they would like new people to come to see them…99 would say referred from an accountant or attorney.

Yes it takes some time to come up with a drip system skewed towards them but don’t you agree it’s worth it? Sit down and think about the Principles of Influence and how you could incorporate them into regular scheduled contacts with targeted professionals in your community. The time spent will put hundreds of thousands into your pockets.

What to Do Next

Don’t let all of the everyday hassles we all face in the financial industry everyday keep your from getting started on the above information today. Remember the difference between urgent and important. It is the important things like putting client acquisition strategies in place that will ensure your profitable practice…not answering the phone that is ringing on your desk right now. wishes you all the success you deserve.

About the Author: Mike Kaselnak is considered one of the top marketing and sales experts in the financial services industry. He has personally mentored over 300 financial advisors in the past 10 years. These financial advisors saw their average production increase by 62%. Many saw increases of over 300 percent. He writes articles that have appeared in many mainstream magazines and has written the popular report 300 Financial Headlines that sell.


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By Jim Vrana

Credit card debt; almost everyone has some. Unfortunately, too many people are overwhelmed by it. This is a burden that always seems to be with us, no matter how hard we try to overcome it.

We are not born with it. But we catch it, and we can’t seem to shake it loose. In this sense, it is like a disease. A financial sickness with very few remedies. Sure, there are medicines for it. Just keep making your minimum payments and the keep the collectors off your back.

Like most medicines, this attacks the symptoms, but does not provide a cure for the disease itself. You keep taking your medicine, month after month. But the illness will stay with you, eating away at your financial health. With this disease however, it possibly may not die with you. The credit card companies may attempt to collect from your heirs or your estate when you pass on.

The only debt cure is to eliminate the disease itself. Like any illness, you also will want to take the proper steps to ensure that the disease does not come back. Cut it away, and keep it away, before the stress it creates manifests into actual health threatening effects.


Understanding all of the options to rid yourself of this disease can be very confusing, and be very stressful itself. Choosing the best plan of action is a personal decision based on what you believe, what you can afford, and how much time you want to allow yourself for relieving yourself of the burden.

Be sure to get educated on exactly what the long term side effects are for each debt cure. Understand that the only debt relief program with no side effects is to write a check and pay off 100% of the balance. Of course, the debt sickness would not be there if you could do this.

Can you just eliminate the debt? Surgically cut it out of your life and be done with it. If a person is willing to keep an open mind and become a bit educated, the answer is “Yes”.

A true debt elimination program will allow someone to legally discharge 100% of their non-secured credit card debt. A person can take advantage of this program just once. So once you are cured, it is up to you to be sure the disease does not return.

The eliminated accounts can no longer be used. The ultimate goal is to learn how to live without credit cards altogether. Conventional wisdom tells us that we cannot live in today’s society without credit cards. This is just not true.

An elimination program is not a quick fix. A good program will have you debt-free in 6 – 12 months, and will also include an education on the credit card system, so that it is understood just how and why an elimination program can work.

Student loans, medical bills, and any secured loans are not applicable to be eliminated. Only major credit cards, signature loans, and unsecured lines-of-credit are applicable. For these types of debts, a true elimination program may be the financial re-start people are looking for.

About the Author: Billed as The True Debt Advisor, Jim Vrana’s mission is to educate and empower people to overcome their financial challenges. The time-tested legal procedures used to eliminate credit card debt have been used by thousands of people with tremendous success. Contact: Jim Vrana True Debt Advisor (800) 637-1785


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