Features of High Pressure Pump



A high-pressure pump is a pump that can generate a pressure more than 800 psi. Moreover, pressure pumps generating pressure higher than 800 to 3000 psi are known as the moderate pressure pumps. In addition, the pumps that generate anything between 3000 psi and 5000 are known as the very high-pressure pumps. While selecting high-pressure pumps, you should consider a few important factors.

You need to consider three main factors for selecting high-pressure pumps to ensure the optimum performance, a strong return on your investment on high-pressure pump and a low maintenance. These factors include

* The kind of application you are purchasing high pressure pump for


* Optimizing the high pressure pump installation

* Getting complete knowledge about its functioning

While selecting the high-pressure pump, the most important thing is the application you are trying to accomplish with this product. Another equally important thing is the liquid that is required to be pumped through this pump. In this regard, if you find it difficult to decide, you can check the manufacturer or dealer s website to have information about the types of high-pressure pumps they are selling. There are different types of pumps for different applications and different liquids.

Another consideration is the installation of the high-pressure pump. Some important aspects while looking at this factor include Available electric power, noise and emission restrictions, portability, inlet conditions, and operating atmosphere. This again depends upon the type of the high-pressure pump you are selecting. Review manufacturer s guidelines for installation.

The performance of the

High Pressure Pump

depends upon factors like the duty cycle, the frequency and duration of cycles, the temperature of the liquid, the handling of by-pass. In addition, the accessories to set system pressure and monitor performance and establishing a routine maintenance program are also important.

Before you finally purchase one, try to look at different options available in the market.

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Booster Pump

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Posted in Hydraulic Equipment


There are more than 300,000 public swimming pools in the United States, visited by more than 300 million people over the age of six every year. That is a lot of swimming. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), nearly one in eight pool inspections identified serious violations resulting in pool closures and more than one-tenth of pool inspections identified disinfectant violations. With numbers like these it’s easy to see the benefits of hiring a Commercial Pool Service Sacramento CA.

The spread of Recreational Water Illness (RWI) is a priyears, there has been a significant outbreak of RWIs associated with swimming. Cryptosporidium, or crypto for short, can live for days even in treated pools because of its tolerance to chlorine. To avoid these issues, commercial pool operators need to be aware of the following:

  • Filtration -; Swimming pool filters are necessary pieces of equipment needed to keep swimming pools clean. Critical to ensuring the water’s cleanliness are proper filtration and circulation. A swimming pool’s circulation system is made up of a pump, pump strainer, skimmer, drains, and filter. Together they work to ensure the chemicals are working effectively and that the water is filtered appropriately.
  • Probe Fouling -; A thin coating can develop on the ORP probes surface from the build up of contaminants such as body lotions and oils, sweat, and mucous discharge from a swimmer’s nostrils. The buildup of contaminants reduces the effectiveness of the probes ability to detect chlorine levels in the water. Automatic cleaning systems help keep the ORP probes clear of coatings and contaminants. These are especially suited for the heavy use commercial swimming pools receive. Click here for more details.
  • Sanitation -; Maintaining proper levels of sanitation is critical to commercial swimming pools due to their number of swimmers. Typical of commercial swimming pools are highs and lows of sanitizer levels due to the variance of swimmer loads. Sanitizer levels that are either too high or too low may result in pool closure by the local health department, resulting in a loss of revenue and potentially causing damage to the pool’s equipment.

There is a lot at stake regarding the care of commercial swimming pools. Many commercial pool managers consider hiring a Commercial Pool Service Sacramento CA, well worth the investment. One such company is Geremia Pools, with over five decades of expert service, they offer customized services for any size facility.

Posted in Hydraulic Equipment